Grid Spot is the premium responsive blog and magazine blogger template. Grid Spot blogger theme was designed with target is that make you change your thoughts about Blogger platform.
Grid Spot Blogger Template Features:
- Responsive Design
- Auto Generate Logo if you have no one
- Build Slider by adding image gadgets
- Subscibe box at hot place
- Support Advance Editor
- Auto read-more, thumbnail for third party images
- Professional pagination
- Cool threaded comment system with up to 5 levels of replies
- Compatible with major browsers
- Custom 404 page
- Professional admin layout, help you easy work with blog layout.
Grid Spot Blogger Template Responsive View:
Categories: 1 Sidebar, 2 Columns, 4 Columns Footer, Adapted from Wordpress, Black, Featured Section, Fixed width, Grey, Magazine, Premium, Red, Responsive, Right Sidebar, Slider, Top Navigation Bar, White